Past Events

Abolitionist Maneuvers Roundtable II
How do universities perpetuate systemic racism and gender violence through their policing and punishment apparatuses? What is transformative justice and how is it fundamentally different from restorative justice? Are these alternative approaches better for our communities than policing? Come and learn and join these timely and essential Conversations with experts.

Abolitionist Maneuvers Round Table I
In 2021, Setsu co-organized a series of roundtables on Transformative Justice for California Campuses and Beyond. According to the Transformative Collective, "Transformative Justice is an approach and framework that responds to violence and harm beyond restoration by addressing the systems that produced injustice and oppression."

Campus After Cops: Building Abolitionist Communities
Part of the Abolition & the University Teach-in Series

Japanese Women’s Liberation to Abolition Feminism Now: Violence and the Imprisonment of Fusako Shigenobu
Virtual Lecture, Columbia University

Antiblackness, the University, and Policing: A Cops Off Campus Teach–In
First webinar of the Abolition & the University Teach-in Series